Documentación Mercado Libre

Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
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Última actualización 11/03/2025


An order is a request a customer places on a listed item with the intention to purchase it under a series of conditions choosed throughout the checkout flow. These conditions are detailed on the order that will be replicated for the buyer and the seller accounts as well. On the order you'll find a lot of information to fill out about your product and you'll be able to reserve and/or subtract stock. Learn more about the flow to manage simple and cart orders, payments and shipments.

Receive an order

Once a new order is created on your user, you can check its details by making a request to the order resource. We recommend you subscribe to orders_feedback the new topic to receive updates on feedbacks.

curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ORDER_ID


curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' 


    "id": 2000003508419013,
    "status": "paid",
    "status_detail": null,
    "date_created": "2013-05-27T10:01:50.000-04:00",
    "date_closed": "2013-05-27T10:04:07.000-04:00",
    "order_items": [{
     "item": {
       "id": "MLB12345678",
       "title": "Samsung Galaxy",
       "variation_id": null,
       "variation_attributes": []
     "quantity": 1,
     "unit_price": 499,
     "currency_id": "BRL"
    "total_amount": 499,
    "currency_id": "BRL",
    "buyer": {
     "id": "123456789",    
    "seller": {
     "id": "123456789",
    "payments": [{
     "id": "596707837",
     "transaction_amount": 499,
     "currency_id": "BRL",
     "status": "approved",
     "date_created": null,
     "date_last_modified": null
    "feedback": {
     "purchase": null,
     "sale": null
    "context": {
     "channel": "marketplace",
     "site": "MLB",
     "flows": [
    "shipping": {
     "id": 20676482441
    "tags": [
- To get the feedback details, make request to the /feedbacks/$feedback_id resource with the ID from the order.s - You can also consume the information from the feedbacks using the resource /orders/$order_id/feedback.
- You can get the seller information by consulting the user API using access_token.

Response fields:

id: unique order identifier.
date_created: order creation date.
date_closed: order confirmation date. It is set when an order status changes for the first time to confirmed / paid and the item is subtracted from the stock.
expiration_date: this is the deadline for the user to qualify since, after that date, the feedback is made visible, payments are released (if any), and charges are created.
status: order status. See possible values.
status_detail: status detail.
code: status code.
description: status description.
buyer: buyer's information.
seller: seller's information.
order_items: order item listings.

  • item: specific listing.
  • quantity: quantity of items purchased.
  • sale_fee: sales commission.
  • unit_price: price per item.

payments: order-related payments.
feedback: ID feedback information.
context: detail of the characteristics of the creation of an order.

  • channel: current sales channels for the item. possible values: mshops | proximity | mp-channel | marketplace.
  • site: ID of the site where the purchase originated (MLA, MLB, MLM, etc).
  • flows: is a list of characteristics of the origin of the purchase. Possible values cbt | subscription | reservation | reservation | catalog, contract | supermarket | 3x_campaign | high_concurrency | lite.
  • shipping: ID shipping for this order.
    total_amount: total invoice amount.
    currency_id: currency ID.
    tags: list of seller selected tags, such as delivered, paid.
    taxes: amount with the sum of taxes to be paid from the order.
    cancel_detail. detail of the cancellation of the order in which it is found.

    • group: logical grouping of cancellation (mediations, fiscal, buyer, fraud, item, shipment, delivery, seller, internal).
    • code: cancellation cause code.
    • description: description of the cause of cancellation.
    • requested_by: who requests the cancellation (buyer, seller, Mercado Libre).
    • date: cancellation date.
    • application_id: ID of the application requesting cancellation.
    - Remember that charges are calculated at the time of payment accreditation, that is, when the order becomes visible to the seller and not when the order is created.
    - As it happens every time the information of an order is updated, if we discover a fraudulent purchase, we will place the fraud_risk_detected tag to the order and send you a notification with the topic "orders" and said order ID.
    To get more shipping information, you have to request to /shipments/ resource with the id obteined in the order. For more information, learn our Shipments guide.
    For ME1, Custom or delivery orders to be agreed, we make the contact telephone number available in the buyer's data whenever this information is in the account. Example:

    "phone": - {
    "area_code": "11",
    "number": "12345678",
    "extension": null,
    -The "context" node brings information on purchase generation mode/flow and can be used for selector analysis.

    Fraud alerts (stop shipping)

    After the payment approval, and due to the relationship with banks and cards, we may receive an alert that the order is a fraud and to avoid a financial expense, you shouldn´t send the merchandise to the buyer.
    In this case, or order is marked with the tag "fraud_risk_detected" and we send a notification with the topic "orders_v2" with the ID of this order.
    Once identified, the order must be canceled. Case the seller has already been sent products, it will be necessary to check or send it through the Mercado Libre or Mercado Pago sites.

    Total_amount_with_shipping calculation

    With the response that you get in the GET /orders/:id request and the request to GET /shipments/:shipping_id resource, both with the header x-format-new: true, you have to do the next calculation:

    total_amount_with_shipping = total_amount + taxes.amount + lead_time.cost

    *With the same item currency.

    The total_amount and taxes.amount are obtained by the /orders resource, and the lead_time.cost resource is obtained from the /shipments.

    In case taxes.currency_id is different from items.currency_id we must obtain the conversion ratio.




    curl -X GET


      "ratio": 0.0704988

    What will happen to a sale based on its delivery?

    Without Mercado Envíos: The seller will be notified by e-mail or phone.

    • If the item has already been delivered and there is evidence of that, the seller is covered in the event of a chargeback. This means that the sales money will not be deducted.
    • If the item has not been delivered yet, the seller should refund the money.
    • Learn how to make a refund via API in Refunds and cancellations.
    • For more information, we suggest reading the documentation of “Seller Protection Program Requirements”.

    With Mercado Envíos: If the label has not been printed yet, the sale will be cancelled and a notification will be sent to the seller. Otherwise, if the item has already been shipped, Mercado Libre will notify the shipping company to return the item.

    Search orders

    You can use the /search functionality of the /orders resource to make searches with filters. Note that /search does not perform any action if it is not followed by a filter.

    You will be able to see those orders canceled manually, that is, with status manually_cancelled and those that have an item removed, using the search as buyer. If you search as a seller, you will continue to filter such (canceled) orders.


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$BUYER_ID


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


        "query": "2032217210",
        "results": [
                "seller": {
                    "phone": {
                        "number": "11971427863",
                        "extension": "",
                        "area_code": null,
                        "verified": false
                    "alternative_phone": {
                        "number": "",
                        "extension": "",
                        "area_code": ""
                    "nickname": "VENDASDKMB",
                    "last_name": "Cheracomo",
                    "id": 239432672,
                    "first_name": "Demétrio",
                "payments": [
                        "reason": "Kit Com 03 Adesivo Spray 3m 75 Cola Silk Sublimação 300g",
                        "status_code": null,
                        "total_paid_amount": 129.95,
                        "operation_type": "regular_payment",
                        "transaction_amount": 129.95,
                        "date_approved": "2019-05-22T03:51:07.000-04:00",
                        "collector": {
                            "id": 239432672
                        "coupon_id": null,
                        "installments": 1,
                        "authorization_code": "008877",
                        "taxes_amount": 0,
                        "id": 4792155710,
                        "date_last_modified": "2019-05-22T03:51:07.000-04:00",
                        "coupon_amount": 0,
                        "available_actions": [
                        "shipping_cost": 0,
                        "installment_amount": 129.95,
                        "date_created": "2019-05-22T03:51:05.000-04:00",
                        "activation_uri": null,
                        "overpaid_amount": 0,
                        "card_id": 203453778,
                        "status_detail": "accredited",
                        "issuer_id": "24",
                        "payment_method_id": "master",
                        "payment_type": "credit_card",
                        "deferred_period": null,
                        "atm_transfer_reference": {
                            "transaction_id": "135292",
                            "company_id": null
                        "site_id": "MLB",
                        "payer_id": 89660613,
                        "marketplace_fee": 14.290000000000001,
                        "order_id": 2000003508419013,
                        "currency_id": "BRL",
                        "status": "approved",
                        "transaction_order_id": null
                "fulfilled": true,
                "buying_mode": "buy_equals_pay",
                "taxes": {
                    "amount": null,
                    "currency_id": null
                "order_request": {
                    "change": null,
                    "return": null
                "feedback": {
                    "sale": null,
                    "purchase": null
                "shipping": {
                    "id": 27968238880
                "date_closed": "2019-05-22T03:51:07.000-04:00",
                "id": 2032217210,
                "manufacturing_ending_date": null,
                "hidden_for_seller": false,
                "order_items": [
                        "item": {
                            "seller_custom_field": null,
                            "condition": "new",
                            "category_id": "MLB33383",
                            "variation_id": null,
                            "variation_attributes": [],
                            "seller_sku": null,
                            "warranty": "Garantia de 1 ano fabricante",
                            "id": "MLB1054990648",
                            "title": "Kit Com 03 Adesivo Spray 3m 75 Cola Silk Sublimação 300g"
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "differential_pricing_id": null,
                        "sale_fee": 14.29,
                        "listing_type_id": "gold_special",
                        "base_currency_id": null,
                        "unit_price": 129.95,
                        "full_unit_price": 129.95,
                        "base_exchange_rate": null,
                        "currency_id": "BRL",
                        "manufacturing_days": null
                "date_last_updated": "2020-02-14T02:55:49.811Z",
                "last_updated": "2019-05-28T15:16:04.000-04:00",
                "comments": null,
                "pack_id": null,
                "shipping_cost": 0,
                "date_created": "2019-05-22T03:51:05.000-04:00",
                "application_id": "7092",
                "pickup_id": null,
                "status_detail": null,
                "tags": [
                "buyer": {        
                    "id": 89660613,       
                "total_amount": 129.95,
                "paid_amount": 129.95,
                "mediations": [],
                "currency_id": "BRL",
                "status": "paid"
        "sort": {
            "id": "date_asc",
            "name": "Date ascending"
        "available_sorts": [
                "id": "date_desc",
                "name": "Date descending"
        "filters": [],
        "paging": {
            "total": 1,
            "offset": 0,
            "limit": 50
        "display": "complete"

    Products information in orders

    This request shows all the information of the products that are in the same order:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$order_id/product


    	"attributes": [
            		"name": "IMEI",
            	"value": "111",
            		"id": 1
            		"name": "IMEI",
            	"value": "222",
            		"id": 2
            		"name": "entry_date",
            	"value": "01/01/2001",
            		"id": 3
    To view orders within a shopping cart it is necessary to use the /packs resource. Note that the /orders resource can include many products of the same publication in terms of quantities.

    Get discounts applied to a sale

    Use the /discounts resource to review the details of all the discounts that have impacted a sale. Remember that discounts can come from a campaign (promotion), a coupon or cashback, and that a sale can have more than one discount applied.
    Remember that orders created up to 12 months ago are currently saved, and if you search as a seller, canceled orders will be filtered out.


    curl -X GET -H ‘Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN’$ORDER_ID/discounts


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'


        "details": [
                "type": "coupon",
                "coupon": {
                    "id": 569290732
                "supplier": {
                    "meli_campaign": "P-MLA4944001"
                "items": [
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "amounts": {
                            "total": 446.7,
                            "seller": 0
                        "id": "MLA922971037"
                "type": "discount",
                "supplier": {
                    "offer_id": "MLA922971037-abc123",
                    "funding_mode": "sale_fee"
                "items": [
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "amounts": {
                            "total": 446.7,
                            "seller": 0
                        "id": "MLA922971037"
                "type": "cashback",
                "items": [
                        "element_id": 1,
                        "quantity": 1,
                        "id": "MLB1881365644",
                        "amounts": {
                            "total": 5.4,
                            "seller": 0
                "supplier": {
                    "campaign_id": "10116144"
                "cashback": {
                    "id": "2251800174114906"
                "counter_currency": {
                    "currency_id": "MCN",
                    "value": 15.6784541

    Response fields

    Each discount can have the following fields within the details attribute, depending on the type:

    • Coupon identifier.
    • supplier: Campaign provider.
      • meli_campaign: Discount campaign associated with the coupon.
      • offer_id: Offer identifier, useful for retrieving the campaign name.
      • funding_mode: Type of promotion obtained by the IPA. For example, sale_fee.
    • items: Items to which the coupon applies.
      • id: Item identifier.
      • quantity: Quantity of items affected by the discount.
      • amounts: Coupon values.
        • total: Portion of the discount associated with the item (p * q).
        • seller: Portion of the discount for the seller (p * q).
    • Keep in mind that the /orders/$id/discounts resource only includes discounts applied to the price (excluding additional charges and subsequent refunds), coupons, and cashbacks.


    To filter your orders with status "paid" accounts with the following filters:

    item: tittle ID
    tags: it can be some status separated by ','
    tags.not: it can be some status separated by ','
    q: it is a field that allows you to search by:

    • order id
    • item id
    • item title
    • nickname of the counterpart

    order.status: it can be some status separated by ','
    mediations.stage: it can be some status separated by ','
    mediations.status: it can be some status separated by ','
    feedback.status: it can be some status separated by ',' it can be some status separated by ','
    feedback.purchase.rating: it can be some status separated by ','

    The “q” filter does not consider the first_name, last_name and email values ​​when searching for an orden.


    curl  -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

    If you want to filter your orders by date, you should do the following:

    curl  -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$SELLER_ID&order.date_created.from=2015-07-01T00:00:00.000-00:00&
    To filter by date you only need the hour. Information about minutes, seconds and milliseconds is removed.


    In this case, you should add “sort” to the available sort ID that you wish to apply, for example: “date_desc”.

    curl  -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'{seller_id}&order.status=paid&sort=date_desc
    By default, it sorts by date_asc. The sorting date is:
    - Sellers por date_closed.
    - Buyers por date_created.

    Mercado Shops Orders

    Mercado Shops orders are also available in Mercado Libre API.

    To identify these orders, you should use the tag "mshops".

    Example of Mercado Shops orders:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'x-format-new: true'$ORDER_ID
        "id": 2063200914,
        "date_created": "2019-06-24T15:53:04.000-04:00",
        "date_closed": "2019-06-24T15:53:06.000-04:00",
        "last_updated": "2019-06-24T15:53:06.000-04:00",
        "manufacturing_ending_date": null,
        "feedback": {
            "sale": null,
            "purchase": null
        "mediations": [],
        "comments": null,
        "pack_id": null,
        "pickup_id": null,
        "order_request": {
            "return": null,
            "change": null
        "fulfilled": null,
        "total_amount": 25,
        "paid_amount": 31.9,
         "order_items": [
                "item": {
                    "id": "MLB1231068128",
                    "title": "Teste Anúncio Me2 - Não Ofertar",
                    "category_id": "MLB271107",
                    "variation_id": null,
                    "seller_custom_field": null,
                    "variation_attributes": [],
                    "warranty": null,
                    "condition": "new",
                    "seller_sku": null
                "quantity": 1,
                "unit_price": 25,
                "full_unit_price": 25,
                "currency_id": "BRL",
                "manufacturing_days": null
        "currency_id": "BRL",
        "payments": [
                "id": 4898000077,
                "order_id": 2000003508419013,
                "payer_id": 419067349,
                "collector": {
                    "id": 419059118
                "card_id": 313381752,
                "site_id": "MLB",
                "reason": "Teste Anúncio Me2 - Não Ofertar",
                "payment_method_id": "master",
                "currency_id": "BRL",
                "installments": 1,
                "issuer_id": "24",
                "atm_transfer_reference": {
                    "company_id": null,
                    "transaction_id": "1234567"
                "coupon_id": null,
                "activation_uri": null,
                "operation_type": "regular_payment",
                "payment_type": "credit_card",
                "available_actions": [
                "status": "approved",
                "status_code": null,
                "status_detail": "accredited",
                "transaction_amount": 25,
                "taxes_amount": 0,
                "shipping_cost": 6.9,
                "coupon_amount": 0,
                "overpaid_amount": 0,
                "total_paid_amount": 31.9,
                "installment_amount": 31.9,
                "deferred_period": null,
                "date_approved": "2019-06-24T15:53:05.000-04:00",
                "authorization_code": "1234567",
                "transaction_order_id": null,
                "date_created": "2019-06-24T15:53:05.000-04:00",
                "date_last_modified": "2019-06-24T15:53:05.000-04:00"
        "shipping": {
            "id": 28001747957
        "status": "paid",
        "status_detail": null,
        "tags": [
        "buyer": {
            "id": 419067349,
        "seller": {
            "id": 419059118,     
        "taxes": {
            "amount": null,
            "currency_id": null

    The JSON structure is the same that Mercado Libre orders. Market Shops orders can also be made by cart. For this, refer to the Shopping cart orders documentation.

    Get Mercado Shops orders

    To consult the Marcado Shops orders, just consult by the tag mshops as in the following example:

    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'

    Order status

    Order statuses are the following:
    confirmed Initial status of an order, even if it is still unpaid.
    payment_required Order payment should be confirmed to display user information.
    payment_in_process There is an order-related payment, but it has not been credited yet.
    partially_paid The order have a credited associated payment, but it is not enough.
    paid The order-related payment is credited, but it is not enough.
    cancelled For some reason, the order was not fulfilled.*
    invalid The order was invalidated as it came from a malicious buyer.

    An order may be canceled due to the following reasons:
    - Payment approval was required to subtract stock, but, during the approval process period, the item was paused/terminated due to stockout; so, the payment is returned to the buyer.
    - Payment was required, but, as it was not paid within a specific period, it was automatically canceled.
    - After making a transaction, for some reason the seller is banned from the site.
    - If for some reason the seller rates the transaction as non-completed, the order takes the "status = confirmed." If there is an approved payment, it will be automatically returned. Bear in mind that an order that has not been completed by the seller at front will appear as "Cancelled" and with api "status: confirmed".

    Error code reference

    Error Error message Description Possible solution
    order_not_found Order not found. $order_id incorrect. The order cannot be found, check if the order_id is correct. More information.
    empty_order_id Order ID can not be empty. $order_id is null. The parameter order_id cannot be null, check the URL used. More information
    invalid_order_id Invalid order ID. $order_id incorrect. The parameter order_id must be a integer number. For search your orders see this topic.
    not_identified_user Can not identify the user. Do not exist a Token. Send a token.
    not_owned_order The user has not access to the order. $seller or $buyer incorrect. To see one order, your access_token must be generated from seller or buyer. does not match buyer nor seller. $seller or $buyer incorrect. To see one order, you must be use one ID from seller or buyer.
    feedback_not_found The feedback does not exist. Reply error. Check if feedback exist for give a reply.
    invalid_fulfilled ‘fulfilled’ parameter must be true or false. Error on give feedback. Check the parameter $fulfilled this must be boolean (remove quotation marks) and check if the parameter $reason is not null in case of $fulfilled: false.
    reply_time_expired Reply time expired. There is a 14 days period to reply a feedback. Error on give reply on feedback. The reply can be sent in 14 days past the feedback date.
    reply_already_exists Reply already exists for the feedback. Error on give reply on feedback. The feedback supports only one reply.

    HTTP response code references

    Orders may return the code http 206 when it has not been possible to obtain any data. Keep in mind that in most cases the information you receive will be enough for you to continue working.
    In the response header X-Content-Missing you will have the name of the fields without information, which can be "buyer", "feedback", "mediations", "seller" and / or "shipping".


    curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN'$ORDER_ID


    < HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content> X-Content-Missing: buyer, feedback
      "id": 768570754,
      "status": "paid",
      "status_detail": null,
      "date_created": "2013-05-27T10:01:50.000-04:00",
      "date_closed": "2013-05-27T10:04:07.000-04:00",
      "order_items": - [
    	- {
      	"item": - {
        	"id": "MLB12345678",
      	  "title": "Samsung Galaxy",
        	"variation_id": null,
        	"variation_attributes": [
      	"quantity": 1,
      	"unit_price": 499,
      	"currency_id": "BRL",
      "total_amount": 499,
      "currency_id": "BRL",
      "buyer": - { },
      "seller": - {
    	"id": "123456789",
      "payments": - [
    	- {
      	"id": "596707837",
      	"transaction_amount": 499,
      	"currency_id": "BRL",
      	"status": "approved",
      	"date_created": null,
      	"date_last_modified": null,
      "feedback": - { },
      "shipping": - {
    	"id": 20676482441
      "tags": - [

    Messaging after sale.