Documentación Mercado Libre
Descubre toda la información que debes conocer sobre las APIs de Mercado Libre.
Display Ads

Consult Advertiser
Advertisers (advertiser_id) are those who invest a budget for the creation and distribution of ads, with the aim of promoting their products or services. Check the list of advertisers that have access to a user, according to the type of product required.
Mandatory parameters
product_id: type of product. Available values: PADS (Product Ads), DISPLAY, BADS (Brand Ads).
Optional parameters
sort_by: sorts by attribute (advertiser_id, site_id). Default is advertiser_id.
sort_order: oorder (asc, desc). Default is desc.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1'$PRODUCT_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Api-Version: 1'
"advertisers": [
"advertiser_id": 000,
"site_id": "MLB",
"advertiser_name": "Advertiser AAA",
"account_name": "MLB - XZY"
"advertiser_id": 111,
"site_id": "MLM",
"advertiser_name": "Advertiser BBB",
"account_name": "MLM - XYZ"
"advertiser_id": 222,
"site_id": "MLA",
"advertiser_name": "Advertiser CCC",
"account_name": "MLA - XYZ"
"advertiser_id": 333,
"site_id": "MLC",
"advertiser_name": "Advertiser DDD",
"account_name": "MLC - XYZ"
Response Fields
advertiser_id: advertiser identifier. You will use it for the rest of the requests.
site_id: country identifier. Check the nomenclature of Mercado Livre sites and their respective currencies.
advertiser_name: name of the advertiser.
account_name: name of the account.
Consult campaigns of an advertiser
Optional Parameters
sort_by: sort by attribute (id, name, start_date, end_date). Default is id.
sort_order: order (asc, desc). Default is desc.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"
"results": [
"id": 80,
"start_date": "2022-01-12T17:00:00",
"end_date": "2022-01-31T23:59:00",
"advertiser_id": 61,
"type": "GUARANTEED",
"status": "paused",
"site_id": "MLA",
"goal": "guaranteed"
Response Fields
id: campaign id. Use the id to consult campaign metrics.
name: campaign name.
start_date: campaign start date.
end_date: campaign end date.
advertiser_id: advertiser id
type: campaign type: Programmatic or Guaranteed.
status: campaign status.
site_id: country.
goal: It is the advertising goal you set for your campaign when you created it.
Types of campaigns and objectives
There are two modalities to show Display Ads:
- Programmatic mode: advertisers participate in real-time automated auctions with a variable bid value according to the relevance of the location to the campaign objectives.
- Guaranteed mode: the display ads are contracted directly with a Mercado Livre agent and the spaces are secured for a fixed cost.
Campaign Type Objective Key Metrics Programmatic Awareness: increases the exposure of a brand or product among the users of your interest. Reach and frequency : allow measuring how many users you reached with your ads and how many times they saw them in a determined period. *With creative video available. Programmatic Consideration: increases visits and user actions on a brand or product. Clicks and VPP: allow measuring how many times your ads were clicked and how many visits they generated on the product page. Programmatic Conversion: increases the sales of your brand's products with advertising. Tickets and sales: allow quantifying the sales generated after users view or click on your ads. Guaranteed Guaranteed: Are created and managed by the Mercado Livre operations team. Allows planning and buying a certain number of impressions at a fixed CPM. Metrics of a campaign
The results of this endpoint will be the metrics by day and a summary of the campaign period. You can query up to 90 days back, considering September 1, 2022, as the start date.
Mandatory Parameters
date_from: date from the query in format YYYY-MM-DD.
date_to: date until the query in format YYYY-MM-DD.
h3>Optional Parameterssort_by: sort by attribute: id, name, start_date, end_date. By default, it is id.
sort_order: ascending (asc) or descending (desc) order. By default, it is desc.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns/$CAMPAIGN_ID/metrics?date_from=YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=YYYY-MM-DD
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"
{ "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-02-01", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 17961, "clicks": 186, "active_views": 0, "completed_views": 0, "reach": 10079, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 57449.13, "cpm": 3198.55, "cpc": 308.87, "average_frequency": 1148.98, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 1083.95, "cpa_ppv": 135.81, "roas": 10.03, "units_quantity": 75, "direct_amount": 576150, "direct_item_quantity": 53, "attribution_ppv": 423, "attribution_add_to_cart": 26, "attribution_bookmark": 33, "attribution_checkout": 24, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 1148.98, "cpa_ppv": 125.16, "roas": 12.36, "units_quantity": 70, "direct_amount": 710324, "direct_item_quantity": 50, "attribution_ppv": 459, "attribution_add_to_cart": 26, "attribution_bookmark": 35, "attribution_checkout": 28, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 170462, "clicks": 2033, "active_views": 0, "completed_views": 0, "reach": 48957, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 605406.93, "cpm": 3551.57, "cpc": 297.79, "average_frequency": 1509.74, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 1513.52, "cpa_ppv": 128.59, "roas": 9.48, "units_quantity": 586, "direct_amount": 5741691, "direct_item_quantity": 400, "attribution_ppv": 4708, "attribution_add_to_cart": 263, "attribution_bookmark": 375, "attribution_checkout": 219, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 1509.74, "cpa_ppv": 125.66, "roas": 9.49, "units_quantity": 586, "direct_amount": 5746421, "direct_item_quantity": 401, "attribution_ppv": 4818, "attribution_add_to_cart": 270, "attribution_bookmark": 352, "attribution_checkout": 225, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } }
Line items of a campaign
Line items are more specific settings within a campaign that allow you to define different instructions or rules for displaying ads. The line item defines the ad purchase parameters: the user profile you want to reach, their geographic location, the device from which they browse, among others. Each line item is associated with a single campaign and consumes its budget.
Line items allow including different audiences, budgets, creatives, and impression frequency within the same campaign. This gives more variety and flexibility to bid on ad display opportunities.
Optional Parameters
sort_by: possible values: id, name, start_date, end_date.
sort_order: possible values: asc, desc.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns/$CAMPAIGN_ID/line_items?sort_by=start_date&sort_order=asc
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"
{ "results": [ { "line_item_id": 1, "name": "Name_Line_Item_Test", "start_date": "2022-01-12T17:00:00", "end_date": "2022-01-31T23:59:00", "campaing_id": 987654, "type": "Social", "status": "paused" } ] }
Response Fields
line_item_id: id of the line item.
name: name of the line item.
start_date: start date of the line item.
end_date: end date of the line item.
type: type of line item. Varies according to the assigned creative.- Display: Native banner image and text. Suitable for different advertising spaces on Mercado Livre and Mercado Pago.
- Social: vertical format video with bottom banner. Available for Mercado Livre Clips spaces.
- Video: horizontal format video. Available for streaming platforms integrated with Mercado Ads. This type of line item is only enabled for campaigns with the Awareness objective.
status: status of the line item.
h2 id="metricas-line-items">Line Item MetricsThe results of this endpoint will be the metrics by day and a summary of the campaign period. You can query up to 90 days back, considering September 1, 2022, as the starting date.
br />Mandatory Parameters
dimension: type of metric: line_items.
date_from: date from the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_to: date to the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Optional Parameters
campaign_id: id of the campaign.
ids: list of ids of the dimension to consult, separated by commas..
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/metrics?dimension=line_items&date_from=YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=YYYY-MM-DD&campaign_id=$CAMPAIGN_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"
[ { "campaign_id": 1111, "line_item_id": 010101, "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-09-19", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 2460, "clicks": 20, "active_views": 388, "completed_views": 55, "reach": 2091, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 423.01, "cpm": 171.96, "cpc": 21.15, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 28.2, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 15, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 9, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 17.63, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 24, "attribution_add_to_cart": 2, "attribution_bookmark": 9, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } }, { "date": "2024-09-20", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 2907, "clicks": 23, "active_views": 511, "completed_views": 73, "reach": 2475, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 494.54, "cpm": 170.12, "cpc": 21.5, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 26.03, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 19, "attribution_add_to_cart": 1, "attribution_bookmark": 4, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 24.73, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 20, "attribution_add_to_cart": 1, "attribution_bookmark": 6, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 5367, "clicks": 43, "active_views": 899, "completed_views": 128, "reach": 4477, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 917.55, "cpm": 170.96, "cpc": 21.34, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 26.99, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 34, "attribution_add_to_cart": 1, "attribution_bookmark": 13, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 20.85, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 44, "attribution_add_to_cart": 3, "attribution_bookmark": 15, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } } ]
Line Item Creatives
Creatives are the visual elements displayed in the available advertising spaces. In display ads, advertisers can generate their own creatives or select them from a library. A creative can be used in more than one item.
Optional Parameters
sort_by: possible values: id, name.
sort_order: possible values: asc, desc.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns/$CAMPAIGN_ID/line_items/$LINE_ITEM_ID/creatives?sort_by=start_date&sort_order=asc
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/campaigns/999999/line_items/0000001/creatives?sort_by=start_date&sort_order=asc
{ "results": [ { "creative_id": 123456, "name": "Name_Creative_Test", "status": "active", "line_item_id": 0000001, "campaign_id": 999999 } ] }
Response Fields
creative_id: id of the creative.
name: name of the creative.
status: status of the creative. It can be: Under review, active or rejected.
line_item_id: id of the line item.
campaign_id: id of the campaign.
Metrics of creatives
The results of this endpoint will be the metrics by day and a summary for the line item's date range. You can see up to 90 days back, considering September 1, 2022, as the starting date.
Mandatory Parameters
dimension: type of metric: creatives.
date_from: date from the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.
date_to: date until the query in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Optional Parameters
ids: list of ids of the dimension to consult.
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"$ADVERTISER_ID/display/metrics?dimension=creatives&date_from=YYYY-MM-DD&date_to=YYYY-MM-DD&line_item_id=$LINE_ITEM_ID
curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Api-Version: 1"
[ { "campaign_id": 1111, "line_item_id": 4321, "creative_id": 3333, "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-09-19", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 579, "clicks": 3, "active_views": 104, "completed_views": 20, "reach": 527, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 99.52, "cpm": 171.89, "cpc": 33.17, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 0.0, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 0, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 33.17, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 3, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } }, { "date": "2024-09-20", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 569, "clicks": 0, "active_views": 90, "completed_views": 18, "reach": 517, "ctr": 0.0, "consumed_budget": 96.42, "cpm": 169.46, "cpc": 0.0, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 0.0, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 0, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 96.42, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 1, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 1148, "clicks": 3, "active_views": 194, "completed_views": 38, "reach": 1037, "ctr": 0.0, "consumed_budget": 195.94, "cpm": 170.68, "cpc": 65.31, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 0.0, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 0, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 48.99, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 4, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } }, { "campaign_id": 1111, "line_item_id": 4321, "creative_id": 3333, "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-09-19", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 550, "clicks": 3, "active_views": 70, "completed_views": 7, "reach": 503, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 94.6, "cpm": 172.01, "cpc": 31.53, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 94.6, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 1, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 6, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 94.6, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 1, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 6, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } }, { "date": "2024-09-20", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 544, "clicks": 6, "active_views": 92, "completed_views": 8, "reach": 495, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 92.72, "cpm": 170.44, "cpc": 15.45, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 15.45, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 6, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 13.25, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 7, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 1, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 1094, "clicks": 9, "active_views": 162, "completed_views": 15, "reach": 991, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 187.32, "cpm": 171.23, "cpc": 20.81, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 26.76, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 7, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 6, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 23.42, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 8, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 7, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } }, { "campaign_id": 4321, "line_item_id": 3333, "creative_id": 4444, "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-09-19", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 582, "clicks": 9, "active_views": 97, "completed_views": 13, "reach": 545, "ctr": 0.02, "consumed_budget": 100.34, "cpm": 172.4, "cpc": 11.15, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 7.72, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 13, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 5.9, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 17, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } }, { "date": "2024-09-20", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 651, "clicks": 8, "active_views": 117, "completed_views": 17, "reach": 590, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 111.42, "cpm": 171.15, "cpc": 13.93, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 22.28, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 5, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 1, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 27.85, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 4, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 2, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 1233, "clicks": 17, "active_views": 214, "completed_views": 30, "reach": 1128, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 211.75, "cpm": 171.74, "cpc": 12.46, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 11.76, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 18, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 1, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 10.08, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 21, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 2, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } }, { "campaign_id": 2222, "line_item_id": 3333, "creative_id": 4444, "metrics": [ { "date": "2024-09-19", "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 350, "clicks": 4, "active_views": 54, "completed_views": 6, "reach": 298, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 59.75, "cpm": 170.72, "cpc": 14.94, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 0.0, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 0, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 3, 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"consumed_budget": 90.25, "cpm": 170.29, "cpc": 22.56, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 15.04, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 6, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 15.04, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 6, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } ], "summary": { "site_id": "MLM", "currency": "MXN", "prints": 929, "clicks": 5, "active_views": 147, "completed_views": 23, "reach": 825, "ctr": 0.01, "consumed_budget": 159.05, "cpm": 171.21, "cpc": 31.81, "average_frequency": 0.0, "event_time": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 22.72, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 7, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 }, "touch_point": { "cpa_order": 0.0, "cpa_ppv": 19.88, "roas": 0.0, "units_quantity": 0, "direct_amount": 0.0, "direct_item_quantity": 0, "attribution_ppv": 8, "attribution_add_to_cart": 0, "attribution_bookmark": 0, "attribution_checkout": 0, "attribution_leads": 0, "cpl": 0.0 } } } ]
p> date: campaign date.
site_id: country identifier. Consult the nomenclature of Mercado Livre sites and their respective currencies.
currency: currency identifier.
prints: impressions. It is the number of times your ads were displayed.
clicks: number of times users clicked on your ads.
active_views (active views): number of times users saw the first 6 seconds of your Social and Video ad.
completed_views (full views): number of times users saw your complete Social and Video ad.
reach: Reach. It is the number of unique users who were shown your ads.
ctr: Click-Through Rate. Rate of clicks obtained from total impressions.
consumed_budget: Investment: It is the actual money spent to display your ads.
cpm: average cost you pay for every thousand ad impressions.
cpc: cost per click. It is the average cost you pay for each click that the ads receive.
average_frequency: Average frequency. Average number of times your ads were displayed to the same user.
The attribution metrics can be presented in two ways:
Metrics assigned by Action Date (event_time): the metrics will be shown associated with the exact date when the action was performed (e.g., Sales).
Metrics assigned by Display Date (touchpoint): the metrics will be shown associated with the date of click or visible impression to which they were attributed.- cpa_order: (sales): average cost for each sale based on the investment.
- cpa_ppv: average cost of each view of the product page based on the investment.
- roas: return of money that you earn on the investment.
- units_quantity: quantity of units of your products sold among all purchases attributed to your ads.
- direct_amount (revenue): total value of sales attributed to your ads.
- direct_item_quantity: number of times users made a purchase after seeing or clicking on your ads.
- attribution_ppv (product page views): number of times users viewed your product page after seeing or clicking on your ads.
- attribution_add_to_cart: number of times users added your promoted products to the cart after seeing or clicking on your ads.
- attribution_bookmark: number of times people added a product to favorites after seeing or clicking on your ads.
- attribution_checkout: number of times users started a purchase process of your promoted products after seeing or clicking on your ads.
- attribution_leads: Contacts generated by potential customers after they saw or clicked on your ads.
- cpl: average cost of each lead based on the investment.
Error Status Mensaje bad_request 400 The parameter {paramKey} is required. not_found 404 No campaigns found for advertiser id {advertiser_id} Campaign not found for sent campaign_id. not_found 404 No line items found for campaign_id {campaign_id} not_found 404 No creatives found for line_item_id {line_item_id}